Portfolio Risk Profiles
Our Portfolios
Cautious |
Balanced |
Growth |
Equity Risk |
Equities |
30% | 50% | 70% | 90% |
Fixed Income |
40% | 30% | 20% | 5% |
Alternatives |
22.5% | 15% | 7.5% | 5% |
Cash |
7.5% | 5% | 2.5% | 0% |
Equity Range |
20%-40% | 40%-60% | 60%-80% | 80%-100% |
Risk Categories
1 - Cautious
A portfolio where the investor has a relatively low risk tolerance. The preservation of the value of your investments is important to you and your priority is protect the value of your portfolio in real terms, guarding against inflation. This portfolio will have a high allocation to a mix of fixed income, alternative assets, and cash, whilst having a relatively low proportion invested in equities. This portfolio will typically be more diversified. Whilst the equity exposure is relatively low, market volatility will still be present, but you accept this volatility in seeking high returns.
2 – Balanced
A portfolio where the investor has a low to medium risk tolerance. You are looking to at least maintain the value of your investments in real terms, by achieving a real return above inflation. The preservation of the value of your investments remains important to you, but you are comfortable accepting greater short-term volatility to generate potentially higher long-term investment returns. The portfolio will be well diversified and typically have a balance between equities and fixed income, alternative assets, and cash. Greater market volatility will be present, but you accept this increased volatility in seeking high returns.
3 – Growth
A portfolio where the investor has a medium to high risk tolerance and is constructed with a larger bias to riskier assets. You are comfortable having a greater proportion of your investment held in equities, in the 60%-80% range, whilst you seek higher long-term investment returns. This portfolio will have a relatively low allocation to fixed income, alternative assets, and cash, whilst having a high proportion invested in equities. By virtue of the high equity exposure, volatility will very likely increase and therefore the fluctuations in the value of your portfolio will be higher.
4 – Equity Risk
A portfolio where the investor has relatively high-risk tolerance and is constructed with a large bias to riskier assets. It aims to generate a total return well in excess of inflation over the longer term to achieve your investment objectives. This portfolio will have a very low allocation to fixed income, alternative assets, and cash, whilst having a very high proportion invested in equities and will be less diversified. By virtue of the very high equity exposure, volatility will very likely increase and therefore the fluctuations in the value of your portfolio will be much higher.